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Authors: Kassanna

Scar (5 page)

BOOK: Scar
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His hair was a tad longer than fashionable and myriad streaks of blonds and browns mixed with its inky darkness. He ran out into the yard and tumbled as if he tripped over his feet and Fre found herself giggling with him. Suddenly he looked her way and waved. She pressed her palm 27

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to the glass and a huge smile split his lips exposing two missing front teeth. Fre stepped back from the window and let the curtain fall back into place.

Standing in the middle of the room, she turned and caught a whiff of herself. She didn’t smell bad but she definitely had the ode-to-puppy odor going on along with an undertone of car exhaust from sitting on the shoulder of the interstate. Fre pulled a pair of jeans and an old sweater from her bag, then grabbed her toiletry case and marched to the door she hoped was the bathroom. She stopped short of the threshold.

The bathroom had similar colors to the bedroom with the light walls and white trim. The marble floor had thin lines of peach traveling through it, which tied the whole color scheme together. Fluffy white towels were neatly folded on the on the gold rack next to a shower she’d only seen in magazines. Multiple showerheads protruded from the walls of the stall with one large metal head hanging from the ceiling. Within the glass enclosure the walls started dark brown at the floor and graduated to light colors as you looked up the wall to a shade of pinkish orange.

She stepped into the room and placed her things on the glass countertop between the dual sinks. At the far end of the counter, a stool was tucked under a vanity. The mirrored wall above the counter had dual sconces lined up on both sides of it. She ran her hands along the wall in search of the light switch and discovered a sliding knob. Pushing the lever up, light flooded the room from deep wells in the ceiling. She sat on the stool and removed her tennis shoes, placing her bare feet on the tile, its coolness seeping into her soles. Standing, Fre flicked the buttons loose on her fly as she walked to the enclosed shower.

She pulled the heavy glass door open and wrapped her fingers around the dial, turning it. Above it was a button. Curious, she pushed it and the sound of rushing water filled the room as all the showerheads erupted to spew water from all angles. She jerked her hand back, caught off guard.

Then laughed at herself.
This isn’t a bathroom, it’s a damn spa.
She tugged her T-shirt over her head and dropped it next to her feet as she 28

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wiggled her hips out of the skinny jeans. Leaving the clothing in a pile on the floor, she grabbed a cloth from the rack, stepped over the thresh hold and into the steam-permeated enclosure.

Hot water poured over her as she raised her face and let the heat warm her. She wiped her face with the small terry towel and realized she’d left her shower gel on the counter. Fre slid her hands along the tiles and over the ledges in search of some kind of soap. She touched a bottle and it fell to the floor with a
. Rivulets of water washed over her back as she bent to retrieve the bottle. The top came loose and the smell of pine burst through the air.

She lifted the bottle to her nose and took a whiff. The smell reminded her of the woods around her cabin. She poured a dollop into her rag and started a lather. Fre closed her eyes and pushed the cloth across her body.

Visions of a certain bold individual with a scarred face, white lock of hair, and a hard body flooded her mind’s eye. Her instincts told her to leave that man alone. He would lead her into all kinds of trouble. She groaned as the nubby material brushed her nipples. They stiffened as she slowly rubbed against them. Soapsuds traveled south in the wake of her hand as she coated her body with the fragrant gel.

In her mind she saw his smile, the way the scar puckered, pulling one side of his mouth slightly higher. The day-old, dark stubble that covered the cleft in his chin added to his roguish appearance. His eyes sparkled with mischief as her hand dipped between her legs. She slapped the tile with her palm as she slowly rubbed the washrag against her clit. Her pussy throbbed and steam enveloped her in its warm cocoon. Hot water rolled down her back and all she could hear was his rough voice whispering in her ear.
Come for me


Scar Kassanna

Chapter Five

Slowly, the various male members of his household drifted into the foyer, sniffing the air. Rhys stood in the middle of the room and watched them arrive, drawn to the same thing he’d been. The scent was migrating from the upper floor. The combination of the smell of pine, citrus, and something else, it was totally indefinable but swirled around them and pulled the men in like they were on an invisible leash. His wolf snapped his teeth at the intrusion.

Myka stalked in with Keen. “Do you smell that?”

“Yes.” Rhys lifted his head and stared at the second-floor landing.

Colin stepped into the room. “Good Lord but she smells so good.” Rhys twisted his head to look at his father. Keen tugged on his hand and he looked down. “Yes.”

“It’s the nice lady, Daddy. She smiled at me from her window.” Keen shook his head up and down.

“I know, Keen.” He ruffled his son’s hair.

Two guards eased into the foyer and stood at the entrance their noses raised to catch the unseen streams of the cock-hardening fragrance. Then a few more of his men came through the rear entrance. Rhys rolled his shoulders to ease the tension building in them, his canines lengthening.

His sight flipped between color and black and white.

“Is she in heat?” Myka asked, his voice deepening.

Colin inhaled deeply. “No…I think that’s her, all natural.” One of the guards chimed in as he moved closer to the bottom of the stairs. “Whoever she is, is she unmated?” The growl that split the air halted any further conversation. Rhys could feel the change coming on, was starting to welcome it. She was his, dammit, and he’d fight any challengers. All eyes turned his way. Keen looked up at him. His eyes widened, and he shuffled back. Rhys looked 30

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down at his son, saw the fear on his face, and called his beast back.

Breathing heavily, he wrestled his animal into the deepest recesses of his soul. He closed his eyes reminding himself Keen had never seen his wolf in battle mode. Rhys turned his stare, first to the men standing in the hallway then to everyone else around.

“Leave now.” Rhys lips pulled back to show his teeth in a snarl.

Myka hauled Keen away and looked at his father Colin as he left.

Myka shrugged as he cautiously turned in the direction he’d come with Keen in tow. Colin called out to Rhys.

“Remember, son, she’s not wolf.” Colin looked at his son thoughtfully. “A word of advice. Don’t break her.” Myka’s chuckle drifted down the hall. Keen’s laughter could be heard, too. His high-pitched voice echoed in the enclosed space; excitement made it a bit lighter. “I’m gonna get a mommy!” With the room emptied, Rhys strode to the stairway and climbed the treads two at a time. His muscles tightened with anticipation of the shift.

He prowled the corridor, anxious to get to the source of the enticing smell.

His beast snapped at the tether placed on it, desperate to mate the owner of the delicious scent. He stopped by the room assigned to his guest, sniffing along the seam of the closed door. Rhys bumped his head against the doorjamb, the thumps reverberating through the wood.

The door was flung open, and his jaw dropped. He stared at Fre’s bewitching derriere as his current obsession strode away from him. The hems of the towel wrapped around her body barely met. When she turned to face him he caught a glimpse of the creamy brown skin on her hip. She cleared her throat, and he lifted his gaze to meet hers. She leaned against the dresser and crossed her arms, pushing her bust up. The towel loosened and dropped at an angle. He stepped into her room and shut the door.

“Hello, Rhys. Is there something I can do for you?” She tilted her head.

“I, ah, I was wondering if you’d like to take a walk around town. Do you always answer the door naked?” His wolf paced, waiting for an 31

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“I’m not quite nude.” A naughty smile lifted her lips. “You promised a warm bed. I’m not interested in anything except rest…and maybe dinner?”

“Then allow me to take you to dinner.”

“Doesn’t this inn have a restaurant?”

“It’s under renovation.” The lies kept rolling of his tongue.

“Oh, then point me in the right direction. I’m sure I can find someplace to eat.”

Rhys’s hands curled into fists by his side, his claws cutting into his palms. He forced himself to relax. He pressed his lips together to stifle a comment. She wasn’t following along no matter which way he nudged her, and all he was trying to do was get to know her before he claimed her. He rubbed the back of his neck.

“I appreciate you finding and taking care of my son’s puppy, and I would like to take you to dinner as a thank you. Would that even be a possibility?” He clenched his jaw.

“How is Cannonball?”


She pushed off the furniture grabbing the ends of her towel to retuck them. Fre placed her hands on his shoulders to turn him around. The
of her touch slithered over his skin. He stuffed his hands into his pockets to keep from gripping her arms and yanking her up against him.

“Cannonball, the
.” She stressed the last word and slid her palms along his back, directing him toward the exit.

“The puppy is fine. Quite lively, actually.”

“Great. I hope I get to say ’bye to him before I leave tomorrow.” Fre prodded him along. “Where did you say there was a restaurant again?” Rhys swung around in the doorway. “I didn’t.” He wouldn’t be pushed aside like a pup. He was wolf, dammit, and an alpha at that. Shifters feared his clan. When shit went down, it was the Volkshire pack who was called upon to handle it. Yet he stood before one 32

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human female and he was ready to drop to his knees and beg for her touch. Fuck that!

Rhys felt the currents of electricity rush through his hands as he slid his palms along her arms. Gripping her by the waist, he lifted her off her feet and jerked her against him. The towel glided to the floor. She stared at him, her brow arched, a smirk on her lips slowly turning downward. He inhaled deeply. She exuded no fear but he did smell a hint of annoyance.

Nose to nose, he searched her eyes. His Fre hid her feelings well. Slanting his head, he pressed his mouth to hers, sliding his tongue along the seam of her lips. She raised her arms, locking them around his neck, and combed her fingers through his hair. He felt the tug on his locks as she drew her head back.

Her eyes were glossy green. She ran her tongue from one corner of her mouth to the other. “I hope you don’t plan to start something you can’t finish.” Her voice was a husky rasp.

“Baby, you’ll be bowlegged when I’m done.” He wrapped his hands around her butt cheeks and hefted her up.

The solid length of his cock pulsed in his pants, throbbing against his zipper. Her heels slapped on the small of his back with every step he took toward the king-size bed in the middle of the room. She licked his throat, sucking the skin between her teeth, and his step faltered. Rhys rubbed the rounded globe under his right hand, pulled it away, and slapped her ass.

was loud in the quiet room. She rose up, sliding her pussy along the length of his shaft.

“Ooo. Do that again?” she whispered in his ear before taking his lobe between her lips and biting down.

Goose bumps raced along his skin. Rhys dropped her on the bed and grabbed her ankles, flipping her over onto her stomach. Fre dug her fingers into the thick covers and bunched them up in her fists. He raised his hand and smacked her butt cheek again. Her body bowed, she dropped her head, and her hair splayed around her like a dark halo. The smell of her arousal wafted up to his nose and his beast thrashed within him, eager 33

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to come out and play. Rhys skin felt tight. He spanked her again, caressing the angry red handprint forming on her flesh. He dipped a finger into her pussy, running it along the moist folds and she pushed back against his hand, rocking her hips. He pulled the digit away, and she moaned into the bedspread.

“Don’t move.” His voice was gruff.

Taking the hem of his sweater in hand, he wrenched it over his head and tossed it to the floor. With a flick of his wrist, he popped the button on his jeans. He met her gaze over her shoulder. She lowered her eyes and dropped her head in submission.

The knock on the door took him out of the moment. Rhys looked back at the door, then down at Fre. He stalked to the towel lying in the middle of the floor and snatched it up to drape across her body. Pressing his fingertips into the soft skin of her hip, he brushed his lips across the small of her back.

BOOK: Scar
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