Read Scar Online

Authors: Kassanna

Scar (8 page)

BOOK: Scar
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His gaze followed the slight motion of her tongue. “No, I said you added some complications to my life. And actually I should punish you for your hard-headedness.”

“Oh… But…”

“Fre, you talk too much.” Rhys bent, placing his mouth on hers.


Scar Kassanna

Her back hit the bed and he dropped down, pressing her into its softness. His big hands cupped her head, holding her in place as he ravaged her mouth, nibbling at the seam her lips made compressed together. Fre opened her mouth, and his tongue slipped in. The taste of mint flowed over her taste buds. Gently biting down, she sucked his tongue deeper into her mouth. He slanted his head and slid a big palm down, wrapping his fingers around her throat at the crook of her neck.

She’d held his gaze until her eyes fluttered shut from the pleasure of his calloused hand sweeping across her sensitive skin. He rubbed his thumb against the hollow of her throat. Her heartbeat sped up and she wondered if he could feel the erratic thud. She turned her head, brushing her cheek against the soft pillowcase and breaking contact with his mouth.

“Open your eyes and look at me, Fre,” Rhys quietly demanded.

She opened her eyes and swiveled her head to face hm. Desire burned in the dark green depths. He pushed his other arm up and trailed the pads of his fingers over her forehead.

“You are never to disobey another order I give you.” He leaned down, his chest rubbing her stiff nipples, the only barrier between them a thin sheet. “I only have your best interests at heart and right now my only desire is to see you happy. Nod if you understand me.” She nodded tentatively.

“If you break our rules, I will punish you.” The hand at her throat dipped lower. He rose above her, ripping the cover from between them.

“You’re mine; make no mistake about it. I intend to mark my own claims tonight.”

Fre pulled her bottom lip between her teeth. She knew if she agreed, didn’t speak up, her life would irrevocably change. The dusting of hair on his chest chafed her breasts making her tight nubs impossibly harder, almost to the point of pain.

“I don’t belong to anyone,” she whispered.

His smile was secretive. “Oh, baby, but you do. You just haven’t realized it yet.” He dropped his head, and she felt the tip of his tongue 49

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slide across the hollow of her throat. Rhys lifted his head. “Accept what I offer you, luv, and I promise to love you, cherish you and no one, man or animal, will ever hurt or disrespect you.

Jolts of electricity shot through her where he nipped her collarbone.

Zinging through her body the bolts collected in her pussy making her clit throb. His words tugged at the strings to her heart and soul.

“Do you know how many marriage proposals I get? What you’ve said has been said before and a few times I actually believed it only to have those words come back to bite me in the ass.” Her voice dropped an octave.

“What I want goes deeper than mere marriage.” He trailed his fingers south over her ribcage and around the curve of her butt. “Just remember one thing.”

Fre lifted her chin. “What’s that?”

“Wolves mate for life and a bite from me on any part of your body means playtime.” He rose from the bed.

Cool air swirled around her body. She missed the heat his closeness provided. She stretched, straightening her legs in front of her. Pressing her thighs together made her netherlips tingle. Rhys unbuttoned his jeans but left the zipper intact. Fre swallowed and studied him. The light dusting of hair grew darker as it formed a path down his belly and disappeared into his pants. Scars, long and short, riddled his upper body.

“What are you doing?” She heard her annoyance in her voice and snapped her mouth shut.

“Waiting.” He hooked his thumbs into his belt loops.

“That’s damn blackmail. You get me primed then pull back.” She saw the flames of his desire lick up brightening the green in his eyes. He wasn’t the only one that could play. Holding his stare, Fre palmed her breasts, massaging the orbs. Whimpers escaped her as she pushed one hand lower, sliding it between her thighs.

“All you have to do is agree to my terms.” Rhys breathing increased.

“Fine, but I want it noted I’m under duress and may want to 50

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renegotiate some issues in the light of day.” She moaned as she slipped a digit into her channel and rolled her hips.

He grabbed her wrist to stop her and cocked a brow. “Noted but I want to hear the words, Fre.”

She took a deep breath. “I agree to your conditions.” Fre spoke on the exhale as she pulled from his grasp and drew her elbows beneath her to rest on them.

A devilish smile split his lips and he gripped the zipper on his jeans, lowering it slowly. She wouldn’t look away—hell, she couldn’t—her sight drawn to the narrow metal barrier that stood between her and what she desired most right then.

His cock jerked free, bobbing between his thighs. Fre was sure she wore a silly grin on her face. Rhys pushed the jeans down his legs and stepped to the side, kicking them away. He reached forward and grabbed her ankle, dragging her closer to the edge. She giggled when he trailed his fingers up her calf. A thought flashed through her mind. It was important, a statement he made.


“Hmmm.” He crawled onto the bed, settling between her legs.

“What do wolves have to do with this?”

“We can talk about it tomorrow.” He pressed a kiss to the inside of her knee.

She grabbed ahold of the sheets beneath her as his mouth slid higher, her question forgotten. His hair fell from his shoulders to curtain his face.

She dropped back on the mattress. Fre fought the urge to clamp her thighs shut as he left a damp path over her skin. He turned and gripped her hips, blunt fingertips digging into her skin. His breath drifted over her moist folds and a low moan escaped through her lips.

Fre angled her head up when he released her and pushed a hand through his hair. He settled in the nook at the apex of her legs using his shoulders to keep them open. She watched enthralled as he coaxed her clit from its hidden spot, circling it with his index finger. He bent his head and 51

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curled his tongue around the hard bud while sliding a digit through her moist crevices. He grazed his teeth over her pearl and worked a finger into her channel. Her head hit the mattress and she shut her eyes tight. Fre rolled her hips and he draped an arm across her lower belly. Gently nipping on her clitoris he added a second finger, sliding them in and out of her passage.

Her stomach muscles tightened as pleasure rippled through her body.

The inside of her legs quivered as she bumped them against his shoulders.

He continued his assault on her honeypot, rolling his tongue over her nub.

Her body started to shake and she released her grip on the covers and cupped her breasts, tweaking her nipples between her fingers. Wails erupted in the room, the sound bouncing off the walls. She opened her eyes to see if a third person had joined them and realized she was the one making the sounds. A wet, sucking sound and grunt joined in the symphony and she felt the muscles in her vaginal walls tighten around his fingers. He crooked his digits, swiveled his wrist, and her world exploded into bright dots of color, clouding her vision. Cream inundated her vagina as her orgasm tore through her.

She felt the loss of his fingers then the slide of his tongue as he lapped at her juices. The rough texture on her sensitive tissue sent another wave of currents through her body. She arched off the bed. He lifted his head and wiped at the corners of his mouth. Rhys climbed her body, dropping minute kisses along the way. Resting against her side, he pressed his lips on hers and the flavors he’d consumed engulfed her taste buds.

Rhys lifted his head and smiled down at her. Easing her hand out the way, he plucked her stiff nub. His cock thumped the outside of her thigh.

His hand traveled north and he wrapped it around her throat, settling his thumb against the side of her neck. He moved, sinking his hard form into her softer one. His shaft eased between her labia, surging atop the sensitive folds. He locked one arm to the side of her head and positioned his dick at her pussy’s opening.

Fre ran a hand up his arm over the hard muscles locked in place and 52

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gripped his shoulder. She tangled her fingers through his hair and yanked at his head. He resisted her overtures.

“Are you ready to play?” He dipped his head and spoke against the shell of her ear.

“I can take anything you can dish out,” she grumbled.

Without warning, he surged into her body. She felt stretched and full as he waited, giving her time to adjust. Sliding a hand down his back, she felt the raised welts of the scars that marred his body.

“Is that all you got?” She issued the challenge, an attempt to get him to move.

He smirked. “I’m just getting started, luv.” He dropped his hips, thrusting deep into her body.

With piston-like quickness, he drove into her repeatedly while slowly squeezing her throat. She inhaled shallow breaths as he continued to ram his cock into her channel. The ceiling opened up. Fre watched as brick by brick flew out of view until she stared up into the starry sky of a dark night. Every nerve ending along her skin prickled. The pressure eased on her throat, and she took a deep breath and met his gaze.

Rhys dipped his head. “Again?” he whispered, sliding his lips over her temple as he pounded into her.

“Yes.” It dawned on her she trusted a man she barely knew. The idea shook her to her core while the thought escaped her flitting away with the next heave into her body.

Slowly his hands cut off her breath. Above them she watched as comets and planets slid through the night. Layers of sensations built within her. Tightness formed at the base of her spine. Fingers of sensations burrowed through her. Her heartbeat slowed and everything barley moved. He flexed his pelvis and the tension released, pitching through her with a force that threatened to consume her. She saw every nuance in his expression, could count the strands of hair that brushed her cheek. He let go and the scene around them sped up. The next orgasm rode the tail of the last one, slithering through her in swells beating at her 53

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senses. Fre locked her legs at the small of his back to hold him in place.

He bucked against her calves, breaking the hold only to pull out before diving into her again. Throwing his head back, he howled.


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Chapter Eight

Wallis paced his hotel room. He pulled the washrag from the tear in the skin of his throat and stared at his blood. The bite was mere centimeters from his jugular. Scar had been ferocious in his attack and Wallis knew he wasn’t considered a small man by anyone’s means. He heard the rumors about Scar but to experience the sheer ruthlessness of his wolfmade him doubt if he’d be able fight it in the pack circle. But he’d evoked his rights. If Scar accepted the challenge, then there really wasn’t a choice.

He stalked to the bathroom and rinsed out the cloth, checking the wound. A flap of skin fell from the bite. He needed stitches, but the butterfly bandages he’d bought in the motel sundries shop would have to do. Placing the cool material against his neck once again, he went in search of the brown paper bag.

The rattle on his nightstand caught his attention. His phone buzzed in a complete circle before falling from the edge and landing on the carpet with a quiet
. He walked to the cell and with a grunt picked it up.

Sliding a finger along the screen he didn’t bother to speak. He didn’t have to wait long to see who’d called him.

“Are you trying to unravel all of my plans on purpose or are you just stupid that way?” Roman’s voice erupted from the speakers.

“Fuck you, Roman. I told you I met my mate. Next time I speak perhaps you should pay closer attention when I talk.” Wallis grimaced against the pain as he turned his head.

“I’ve been trying to get ahold of you all afternoon. What the hell are you doing in Volkshire?”

“She’s here. I tracked her to this godforsaken hillbilly hideaway.” He pulled the rag away and felt the cool air drift over the tear as his skin dropped out of place. “Worse, Colin claims her as part of their pack.” 55

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Wallis sighed.

“I understand.” Roman’s voice softened. “I remember what it was like when Scar claimed Cherise. My father was never the same. I swear they are the devil’s own. That’s why it’s so important to get my nephew away from them before the Blaidd’s can damage him the way they did my sister. Come back to Black Mountain. We can form a plan to get your mate and my family from their grasp.”

BOOK: Scar
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