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Authors: Kassanna

Scar (6 page)

BOOK: Scar
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“If you move, I’ll punish you,” he warned as he laid the cloth over her derriere.

She wiggled. “I moved. Do your worst.” She chuckled as she rocked in place.

He snorted at the challenge. “I will make you pay for your impertinence, Fre.”

Rhys walked to the door and opened it a crack. One of his men stood with his eyes averted, a deep flush rising above his collar.

“What?” Rhys leaned on the wall.

“I was sent to fetch you. A situation has developed.”

“I’ll be there in a few hours.” He started to close the door when the sentinel placed his palm on the panel.

“No, your advisors request your presence now.” He guard looked at a point beyond Rhys’s shoulder before hastily turning his head.

“I’ll meet everyone in the war room in ten minutes.” Rhys shut the door before the man could acknowledge his statement and turned on his heel. He looked into the mirror strategically placed to give anyone at the 34

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door a view of the entire room. Fre was front and center with her lower body barley covered by the minuscule towel. She was still in the spot where he’d left her.

He stomped to her, speaking as he walked. “Something has come up.” He trailed his fingers down the center of her back.

“And?” She spoke into the bedclothes.

“I’ll be back to escort you to dinner.” He snatched his sweater of the carpet. “Be ready in an hour.” Rhys ambled to the door and yanked it open, closing it with a decisive

He marched down the corridor, putting his clothing on. Jogging down the steps he bounded over the banister, landing with a
on the marble floor. Colin came around the bend heading in the same direction.

“Glad you could join us. The humans have a few unusual requests.” He handed Rhys the folder he carried. “Are you feeling better now?” He clamped a hand down on Rhys shoulder.

The deep rumble that vibrated from Rhys chest was the only warning Colin got before Rhys snapped his teeth at his dad’s hand. Someone would pay for interrupting his playtime, and at the moment, he didn’t care who. He rolled his head on his neck and kept walking. Rhys pursed his lips while he glanced over the report. The words were a blur when all he could think about was the woman he’d had to leave for bullshit that could have waited. He ignored the shifters who scurried out of his way, looks of abject fear on their faces. They should be scared. Maybe next time they wouldn’t disturb him.

The door hit the wall of the meeting room and swung back to tap his arm as he entered the room. He looked each man in the eye as he spoke. “I swear by all that I hold dear we will go into the woods and I will kick each and every one of your asses if you ever disturb me with nonsense again. Unless there’s a colossal ball of flames falling from the sky and threatening mass destruction—
Do. Not. Fucking. Disturb. Me
.” The aide next to Myka snickered.

Rhys marched around the table and laid his hands on the man’s 35

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shoulders. In a controlled change, his nails elongated into lethal claws and burrowed into the assistant’s body. The smell of iron floated up to him as spots of blood dotted the man’s shirt. “Is there anything you’d like to add, Donal?” Rhys leaned in.

“No.” Donal spoke through clenched teeth, a bead of sweat rolling down his temple

“Good. Dispatch Klaus and Tiko to escort the President’s entourage.

I’m bringing Boris in to guard Keen.” He released Donal’s shoulders.

“Send Mac and Satcha to the ambassador as his replacements. Tell the old fox one bodyguard is on the house. I’m going to dinner. I will go over all the new contacts tomorrow.” Rhys strode to the door, his hand on the knob.

“One more thing,” Myka said, stopping him. “A new wolf has arrived in town. I believe its Wallis.”

“Get Roman on the phone.” Rhys spoke low. “Now!” The last word exploded past his lips.


Fre tumbled over onto her side. She stretched, pushing her arms high above her, pointing her toes, and scissor-kicking her legs. A groan escaped through her lips from the friction her thighs created. Her legs felt sticky from her love play with Rhys. A slight tingle lingered in her pussy; she rolled onto her back. Staring at the ceiling, Fre debated. She hadn’t eaten since the day before but her playmate had ignited a fire that was banking low. She chewed on the inside of her cheek while she argued with herself. When the sound of her belly rumbled loud enough for her to lift her head and make sure she was indeed alone in the room, she decided.

She patted her stomach and sat up. A quick wash off and she would go in search of food. Fre rose and headed to the bathroom. Her stomach grumbled again and she sped up, quickly throwing on her clothes, eager to 36

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go in search of food.

Fre jogged down the stairs, her steps quiet on the carpeted surface.

She stepped onto the marble floor of the foyer and jumped when someone roared “Now!” She leaned around the newel post of the banister and looked down the dark hallway. The inn was now eerily quiet. A feeling of foreboding slithered down her spine. She was reminded of the way the woods around her cabin would go silent when there was a predator in the area. Fre straightened and jerked back when something tugged at the hem of her shirt.

“Hi.” A child’s voice floated up to her.

“Hello there.” She looked down into the big, bright blue eyes of the child she’d seen from the window. Fre glanced around to see if anyone was watching the child.

“Don’t worry. That’s just Daddy. Someone must have made him mad.” The boy’s voice held a note of indifference.

“Really.” Fre shook her head in understanding. “I imagine that happens sometimes. What’s your name?”

“My name is Keen.” He smiled exposing the large gap of two missing front teeth.

“My name is Nefertiti but you can call me Fre.” She thrust out a hand.

Keen wrapped his small fingers around hers and pumped his arm once. He burst into giggles. Fre squatted to talk to Keen on his level.

“So, Keen, can you tell me where I can get something to eat around here?” She smiled

“I can show you the kitchen. That’s where I eat.”

“I’m sure it’s a very nice kitchen but is there a place somewhere for me to eat, like a restaurant.”

“Uncle Myka takes me to a restaurant for chicken nuggets.”

“Sounds like a great place.” Fre reached into her pocket for her keys and realized she left them in her room. “Dammit.” Keen laughed loudly. “You sound like my daddy.”

“Do I now? Well I have to go back to my room and get my truck 37

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“Well I would like to go to town and get some of those nuggets you were talking about.”

“Oh. I can show you a shortcut into town.”

“That would be fantastic, Keen.” She reached out to tickle him and chuckled with him as he chortled and squirmed. Fre pulled her hand back.

“Don’t you have to tell someone you’re leaving? Like your mommy or daddy?”

He shrugged. “Daddy is in a meeting.” Keen leaned in and whispered.

“Never disturb daddy when he is in a meeting.” He nodded his head solemnly. “I don’t have a mommy, and I don’t think Lori likes me very much.”

“Who’s Lori?”

“She’s my nanny.” He cast his eyes down and kicked the floor.

Fre rose and patted her back pocket to make sure she’d transferred her tips from the other pair of pants. Confirming she had cash on her, she extended her hand. “Why don’t you show me the way to town. I’d love to buy you some dinner and if we’re lucky, maybe we can get some ice cream, too.”

Keen placed his moist palm with in hers and tugged her toward he door. Light flooded the foyer when she opened the door. They walked out through the doorway, arms swinging.


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Chapter Six

His men remained silent as he spoke to Roman. Rhys flexed his hand, allowing razor-sharp claws to appear at will before they retracted into the pads of his fingers. He leaned back in his chair and stared at the speaker centered on the table, wishing it was the man there instead of the voice pouring from the device.

“I want to make sure I understand what you’re telling me, Roman.

You’re the fucking Alpha of the Black Mountain pack and you have no control over your betas?

“My ranks are in order. Wallis took a few days for himself,” Roman responded coolly. “Surely you’re not so insecure about your leadership that you wouldn’t allow one of your clansmen a little freedom?” Rhys pursed his lips at the dig. “I don’t think
about. Um, how many of your men have moved on to other packs again?”

“The Black Mountain pack is solid,” Roman answered defensively.

“But if having one of my men in your midst makes you…uncomfortable, then I’ll contact him and order him home.” He snickered. “I’d hate for Wallis to scare your boys.”

Rhys stood abruptly. The chair rolled backward, and he bent over the table. His mouth a mere inches from the black apparatus as he spoke. “Do you really want to push me on this, Roman? If anything happens to any of my people, let me make this clear—I will wipe your ass of the face of that mountain you like to hide on.” He stabbed the disconnect button with his finger.

Conversations commenced all around Rhys as his men tried to talk over each other. Wallis was a high-ranking member of Roman’s pack. He wouldn’t just show up in another shifter’s domain without a good reason and ignore the protocols. Every shifter knew you didn’t trespass on another’s home territory without introducing yourself to the alpha. The 39

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truce between Volkshire and Black Mountain was tenuous at best. Wallis was in no way so stupid to do something to break the pact. Rhys rolled his shoulders. Roman had made a move in the very real and lethal game of chess they played. Now he just had to figure out exactly what the damn wolf was up to.

The door was shoved open and Lori stood in the doorway, short of breath. She shifted her gaze back and forth. Her lips were moving but no sound escaped through them. Rhys quickly tapped down the anxiety that slithered through his belly. He opened his mouth, a question on his lips, when Lori spoke first.

“Is Keen here?”

“I haven’t seen him since I left him playing in the yard,” Myka answered.

Rhys narrowed his eyes. “Where is my son, Lori?” His stare lingered on her, noting her body language. The way she wrung her hands belayed fear.

“I don’t know.” Lori swallowed and dragged her gaze away to stare at his boots.

“For the love of God woman, how hard is it to watch a child who has barely turned six?” Colin yelled.

She flinched. “I
watching him,” she pleaded. Her gaze returned to meet Rhys. “I turned my head for a second to answer a question, and when I looked back he was gone.”

Rhys chest heaved as he tried to dislodge the heaviness forming in it.

It felt like hundreds of rocks were tumbling down on him. He dropped his head back and bayed at the Fates. Conversations stopped. When he opened his eyes, all color had bled from his vision. He looked at his men, settling his gaze on Myka.

“Wallis.” They spoke the man’s name in unison.

Lori was smashed up against the wood panel when Rhys moved past her. He didn’t spare a glance back at her. Instead, he embraced his change.

He could hear his father issuing orders as he bounded down the hall, 40

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shedding his clothes. His nails beating a sharp tattoo on the marble floor, he turned in the direction of the kitchen. Deep ambers shone through the screen door and particles of dust danced in the light. The kitchen staff was a haze of grays as he surged past them and burst through the thin barrier of screen headfirst.


Fre walked along the worn path listening to Keen’s incessant babble.

She nodded at the appropriate times when he pointed out something while making sure the path was clear of dangerous critters like snakes. The trail was a little more than worn tufts of grass and patches of dirt, and judging by her internal clock, they’d been walking a half hour maybe. Fre peered down the path. By the time they got to town and had dinner, it would be dark. So maybe following the advice of a child hadn’t been one of her wiser decisions. She didn’t want to think about it too deeply. It seemed several of her choices had been questionable of late. Surely the little town wasn’t so small it wouldn’t have a taxi. She looked down at her small companion when he ceased his chatter.

“Everything okay, Keen?” Fre swung their arms.

“Uh-huh,” he grunted

“What’s going on in that head of yours?”

“I just have a brain in my head,” he answered her earnestly.

She snorted. “All right so what are you thinking?”

“Why don’t I have a mommy?”

BOOK: Scar
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